Family meets once again! We would be delighted to see you in the ELEVENTH annual session of Model United Nations of Bilkent University this January! This time, our prestigious academic team will be giving trainees for those who are interested in a diplomatic career. 

Intellectual conference MUNBU is a well-known conference that hosts selected students who are keen on discussing different problems of the political world by individual delegates and delegations of various high schools and universities around the world.

These dedicated students combine under this platform to present valuable resolutions to improve stability, security and peace throughout the UN nations. The first annual session of MUNBU will take place on 15-18 January 2024. The conference will be arranged by the MUN Society of Bilkent University, has been internationally ranked amongst the top 400 schools, and it is one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to our PR team:

Did you know that the site was inaccessible for months and our poor IT and Secretary General had to spend three hours fixing it????